As part of a bilateral educational partnership established between my IUT and the Cégep de Sainte-Foy in Quebec City, I had the enriching opportunity to pursue my fourth semester of BUT at this establishment, specializing in Techniques d Intégrations Multimédia (TIM).

During this period, I had the privilege of taking part in a variety of courses and activities, including a project to redesign the website dedicated to the training program in which I was involved.

This project, carried out entirely on my own, lasted two months. The guidelines were clear: design a site prioritizing mobile compatibility, structured according to the MVC model, while respecting a set of imposed contents. On the other hand, I was given complete freedom in terms of artistic direction.

During this process, I was faced with several challenges, notably that of creating an optimal user experience on mobile while ensuring a coherent and modular code architecture. I also had to juggle the constraints of the imposed content, while seeking to bring a personal touch to the site s aesthetics.

However, the site cannot be put online to avoid interfering with the SEO of the current site.


Php - Laravel - Node.js - Js - Html - Sass

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Next project(Planete danette)

Amézir Messaoud

Amézir Messaoud